Over the years I have had the honor to work with artists on their marketing materials. Most often I’ve created Media Kits. This is a very effective way of presenting you and your artwork to publications, galleries, collectors, and other connections. As an artist and business owner, you are your own best representative. This means an important component of your artistic practice is marketing. Self-promotion makes many of us squirm a bit; but if your path is mapped, it’s an easier one to travel. An effective marketing plan may include a media or press kit, a portfolio or an exhibit catalog promoting a specific event.

A media kit can take on different forms, it can be a printed piece or a link on your website, or both. Think of it as a visual CV, a concise overview in an easily accessible format that tells your story that can be used for gaining exposure and publicity. Keep in mind, while the name “media kit” implies that you will be targeting publications with this material, this is also an effective tool to share with potential buyers, galleries and collectors.You might choose to produce similar material for a special event. While that can be an effective marketing tool during the exhibit, it will also serve afterwards to secure future shows.

The good news is, you probably have all the pieces and parts you need already. It’s just a matter of melding the information into a concise presentation that can be delivered into the hands of people who can help move your career to the next level.

Your media kit should contain your CV with background, education, awards and reviews, as well as your artist statement and bio. You may also want to include excerpts from articles or reviews, awards and testimonials. Where possible, explain your process and highlight your specialties. You can also promote specific events or workshops you offer.

With online printing becoming ever more accessible and cost effective, I highly recommend this information be compiled into a printed booklet. The physical piece will leave an impression on anyone you meet and is less likely to be discarded and forgotten than an email or a business card.

I have found that 20-24 pages is just about right. But you can certainly go with less or more pages depending on your content. I like to design in an  8 x 8 inch format for many reasons. This size is standard for photo books and can be easily printed (and created) through online printers to create an effective piece for promotion. It also displays nicely as 2-page spreads online.











Some artists aren’t ready to take on this kind of project. That is where I can help.

Here are the details…

Introduction: We start with interview where I can find out a bit more about your artistic practice. I will work with you to determine the scope and focus of your media kit, identify content, and plan size and page count
Then, I will provide a word document where you can share your information and develop a list of assets that will be needed (images, links, etc) based on your individual goals for the piece.

Design development and layout: I will create a custom cover and sample page design for your review and approval before production begins.

Production: I will design the layout of all pages in your piece and send a pdf for your review. We can work together to get it perfect, fee includes up to three rounds of revisions/edits to the project.
Approvals and edits at each stage should be submitted in writing by email. (I will run a spell check, but you will be responsible for all final copy editing and proofing)

Once design is finalized, I provide a suite of files for various uses. (see “File Delivery” below)


Design and layout fees: $250 for overall design and branding, plus $25 per page. (ie: 8 page book is $450 total, 16 page book is $650)

This includes a custom branded design and delivery of final files in various formats. (PDFs: high res for printing, low res for posting)

Fees do not include printing.

Additional options: Creation of in situ images: $35 each (adobe stock images included)


A 20% non-refundable deposit is required to begin work.

Final payment will be invoiced and due upon delivery of final brochure files.


Below is a list of suggested items to include. Please provide these by email drop box, or other file transfer service.

Artist to provide all text in a word document or email that can be copied and pasted.

Text: (word docs preferred)


Artist Statement



Article (or excerpts)


Images: (high res jpg preferred)

Head shot

Featured Artwork

In situ


Detail shots

Process photos



Suggested: 8 x 8 inch

This size is standard for photo books and can be easily printed through online printers to create an effective piece for promotion: Shutterfly, snapfish, etc.

I use MagCloud for my own media kit: https://www.magcloud.com/formats/details/square/_8_25x8_25

NOTE: page count must be in multiple of 4 if you intend to print as a book: 8, 12, 16, 20, 24 etc.


Final files will be delivered as high-resolution pdf suitable for printing and low-resolution pdf for online posting.

Client will be responsible for printer interface, although I will be happy to consult technical specs and provide compatible files for your needs.

Native design files will be created in Adobe InDesign CC for mac and will be provided for archiving to the client. Please note, InDesign software will be required to make modifications.

All final copy, logos and photographs will be provided by the Client. Unless contracted through Kell Creative and will then be invoiced as separate line items in addition to this estimate.


Aggressive timelines may result in rush fees.

Any project changes or additions beyond this scope of work or after final files have been approved and delivered, will be billed separately as an addendum to this proposal estimate.

Fees do not include outside purchases such as, but not limited to, copy editing services, printing, stock photography, illustrations, printing, shipping and handling. Expenses are itemized on each invoice. If consultant or supervisory services are required in out-of-town locations, we will bill lodgings, meals, and transportation at cost. Reimbursement for mileage is calculated at current allowable rates.

If you would like to learn more about the services that I offer, just fill in the contact form below or hit the button in the top menu.


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If you are interested in the purchase or lease of any of the artworks, have questions about custom prints, licensing, commissions, or just want to say hello, please complete and submit this contact form.

A selection of my works are available in standard sizes at: saatchiart.com/LeslieKell
